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It seems as if every time you turn around, breast cancer is being talked about in the newspaper or on TV. Many Mothers wives and sisters are fearful of developing breast cancer for the first time or of receiving a diagnosis after a mammogram or other testing. If you’ve had breast cancer, you may be fearful of a possible recurrence or even of the possibility that breast cancer could take your life.

"My mother died of breast cancer when I was five. Whenever I saw friends or relatives diagnosed, it was always like, 'Oh, God. That could be me.' It was always in the back of my mind. I worried about it all the time. It was almost to the point where I was afraid of talking about it at all." —Eileen

Most women worry about examining their breasts, either because they think they won't get it right.

Many Woman Believe"If I'm diagnosed with breast cancer, it means I'm going to die."

But Doctors claim to be doing quite well at treating breast cancer, with 10-year survival rates currently at approx 85 percent. When caught early, up to 98 percent of women survive at least five years.

I'm too young to worry about breast cancer.

Breast cancer can affect women of any age. The disease is more common in post-menopausal women, but 25 percent of women with breast cancer are younger than 50. Younger women should have a yearly breast exam by their doctor and begin mammographic screening at age 40. While a breast mass in a younger woman is much less likely to be cancer than a lump in an older woman, it still needs to be checked out. At the same time, you're never too old to get breast cancer. If you feel a lump - at any age - have it checked out.

Some women who've been treated for early-stage breast cancer are more likely than others to worry excessively that the cancer will return, a new study has found. This type of anxiety, the researchers say, can compromise a woman's medical care and quality of life. "How much women worry about recurrence is often not aligned with their actual risk for cancer recurrence," study author Nancy Janz, of the University of Michigan School of Public Health, said in a news release from Cancer, which published the findings online March 28

"I live with the fear of this disease coming back. Any little pain, any little cough, I worry. I'm constantly checking myself, my breasts. I'm at the red light, in the car, and I'm checking myself. I'm obsessive-compulsive about doing my breast exam? I say to myself, 'I will conquer and overcome,' but it's a struggle for me." — Debbie

The fear of breast cancer is unlike any other — psychologists and other experts agree on that. The fear can take many different forms, depending upon where you are in the breast cancer experience. Understand that many of your fears are shared by others. While fears are normal, they are uncomfortable to live with. The "BreastScan" helps you "see" and manage fear with knowledge and then be able to focus on living a happy and healthy life.

Breast Cancer

In 2010, nearly 1.5 million people were told “you have breast cancer

Give a gift of peace of mind,,the ultimate gift for any woman...

”Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. It is also the principle cause of death from cancer among women globally. Despite the high incidence rates, in Western countries, 89% of women diagnosed with breast cancer are still alive 5 years after their diagnosis, which is due to detection and treatment (Parkin, 2008).

Breast cancer occurs when abnormal cells grow out of control in one or both breasts. They can invade nearby tissues and form a mass, called a malignant tumor. The cancer cells can spread (metastasize) to the lymph nodes and other parts of the body. Common breast cancer symptoms include a breast lump, change in size, shape and texture of the breast, pain or discomfort in addition to other indicators

The UK and USA have one of the highest incidence rates worldwide (together with the rest of North America and Australia/New Zealand), making these countries a priority for breast cancer awareness. View the map below to see how your country is impacted by breast cancer (pink being the highest per capita)

Dramatically, one-third of these cancer Deaths could be decreased if detected and treated early. In a worldwide context, this means nearly 400,000 lives could be saved every year.

Breast cancer occurs when breast cells develop abnormally and grow out of control forming a malignant (cancerous) tumour. It is possible for cancer cells to spread (metastasise) from the breast to other parts of the body via the lymphatic system and by direct entry into the blood vessels. Once there, they can form "secondary" cancers.

Estimated new cases and deaths from breast cancer in the United States in 2010: New cases: 207,090 (female); 1,970 (male)
Deaths: 39,840 (female); 390 (male)

Cancer that forms in tissues of the breast, usually the ducts (tubes that carry milk to the nipple) and lobules (glands that make milk). It occurs in both men and women, although male breast cancer is rare.

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Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women today (after lung cancer) and is the most common cancer among women, excluding non melanoma skin cancers. According to the American Cancer Society, about 1.3 million women will be diagnosed with breast cancer annually worldwide about 465,000 will die from the disease. Breast cancer death rates have been dropping steadily since 1990, according to the Society, because of earlier detection and better treatments. About 40,910 breast cancer deaths are expected in 2011

Tips for Self Examination


Are you worried about a lump or other symptom you think might be breast cancer? Find out what the symptoms of breast cancer are and what to do if you think you have one.

Incidence By Age

This risk model is based on population averages. Each woman's breast cancer risk may be higher or lower, depending upon a several factors, including family history, genetics, age of menstruation, and other factors that have not yet been identified.

Source: Among those cancer free at age interval. Based on cases diagnosed 2000-2002. "1 in" are approximates. Source: American Cancer Society Breast Cancer Facts & Figures, 2005-2006.

Probability of Developing Breast Cancer Within the Next 10 years

   By age 20
   By age 30
   By age 40
   By age 50
   By age 60
   By age 70
  1 out of 1,985
  1 out of 229
  1 out of 68
  1 out of 37
  1 out of 26
  1 out of 24
  1 out of 8

"A breast lump, however, distinguishes itself from this background of “normal” irregularities: A breast lump can be solid and unmovable like a dried bean, or soft and fluid-filled, rolling between your fingers like a grape. It can be smaller than a pea or several inches across, although this larger size is rare"

According to the American Cancer Society, in general, breast cancer rates have risen about 30% in the past 25 years in western countries, due in part to increased screening which detects the cancer in earlier stages. In the United States, though, breast cancer rates decreased by 10% between 2000-2004, due in part to a reduction in the use of hormone replacement therapy. Although breast cancer rates are rising in many western countries, deaths from the disease have decreased in some countries as a result of improved screening and treatment. Source

All women are at risk for developing breast cancer. The older a woman is, the greater her chances of developing breast cancer. Approximately 77% of breast cancer cases occur in women over 50 years of age.

Incidence Rates by Race

  All Races
  Asian/Pacific Islander
  American Indian/Alaska Native
  127.8 per 100,000 women
  132.5 per 100,000 women
  118.3 per 100,000 women
  89.0 per 100,000 women
  69.8 per 100,000 women
  89.3 per 100,000 women
When one feels a lump in the breast, there is really no virtual worry because most lumps are benign which means that they are not cancerous. In fact, benign breast tumors are abnormal growths but do not really pose threats because they do not spread outside of the breast. However, some benign lumps increase the risk in having breast cancer

Then there are lumps that are not really tumors at all which are often caused by fibrocystic changes — cysts are fluid-filled sacs while fibrosis is the formation of scar-like tissue. These changes can cause swelling of the breasts resulting to being lumpy and sometimes a fluid discharge from the nipples

A Breast Self Examination can help women detect cysts or other benign (noncancerous) breast problems between checkups. It can also help some women detect breast cancer ,It's easy to perform a breast self-examination, and it only takes a few minutes. Although it might seem strange or inconvenient at first, BSE is a skill you can use throughout your life to help ensure good breast health.


The Ultimate Self Examination Tool

Most women know that they should check for lumps that are out of the ordinary.

However there are other changes to your breasts that you should look out for as well.

These includes:

  • 1) A change in the size or shape of your breast
  • 2) A change in the skin – particularly dimpling or puckering
  • 3)Breast pain that does not go away after a period
  • 4)A change in the appearance of the nipple or a discharge from the nipple
  • 5) If you notice any changes you should ask your doctor about them as soon as possible. They may well be harmless but your doctor will be able to reassure you
  • 6) Lumpy areas or thickening of the breast tissue

Healthy Breast Tissue

BreastScan is not a substitute for a mammography, but it is a useful resource. "It works by shining a light through breast tissue," "The light illuminates the red blood cells so that they appear black. Practically, it means you can see all the blood vessels in the breast clearly, like a road map."

Because small lumps can easily be hidden in a large breast, regular examination by the woman can help to spot any changes in the tissues.

It is much more effective for this examination to be undertaken by the woman herself rather than by a nurse or a doctor as it is easier to feel lumps and bumps yourself.

When a tumour takes hold in the breast, a new blood vessel grows to feed it. The BreastScan would show that up as a dark patch long before you could feel it as a lump through the skin." When the light hits a blood vessel in your breast it is absorbed by haemoglobin. This makes the veins in your breast appear as dark lines.

Many new lumps or other breast changes are not serious and can be easily treated if necessary. Should they prove to be cancer then there is a very good chance of successful treatment. And the earlier any problems are found, the better the chances. That is why it is important to be “breast aware” and to be on the look out for any changes.

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Using the latest medical technology of Trans- Dermal Illumination, BreastScan works by shining a powerful light through dense tissue so that you may see inside inside your breasts. Harmless fibroid cysts will allow light to flow through but potential abnormalities will block the lightbeam, revealing dark spots. Such findings call for further evaluation by your doctor.

Malignant lumps have an increased blood supply to feed them so any dense areas may indicate an abnormality. Fluid filled cysts, however, will not absorb the light.

" Critics would argue that users may worry unnecessarily,and that the use of these devises encourage anxiety and needless examinations."and "It could cause unnecessary distress if 'shadows' were misinterpreted."

A tumour could show up as a dark spot or area attached to a blood vessel. You don't need to remember how your breast looks each month; just to watch out for dark patches attached to blood vessels.

"I don't think I know any doctors who are good at self-examination, let alone patients. And if you can see something before you can even feel a lump, that has to be a good thing. The light may be anxiety-provoking for a very few, but for most it is reassuring. So far, women do not seem to be over-relying on this Technology, with many using it as an additional tool in their monthly checks."
Dr. Burnett,

BreastScan is a new health and well being product for women. It helps women notice any changes in their breasts over time. With BreastScan you get a view of your breasts. BreastScan shines a powerful LED light through the breast tissue so that you can see some of the details inside. That way you can get to know what’s normal for you, spot any changes and hopefully feel more confident that you’re looking after your body the way you’d like to.

My mammogram was normal, so I don't have to worry about breast cancer.

While mammography is reported to catch the vast majority of breast cancers, it is only one screening tool. Women should also do Self breast exam every few months. If you feel a lump, always get it checked out, even if your last mammogram was clear.

Some 212,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, and more than 40,000 will die from it, according to the American Cancer Society

BreastScan is a simple and easy to use product. However we do strongly recommend that you take some time to read through these instructions and keep them for future reference. Important things to remember are:
* Charge your BreastScan before you use it
* Make the room as dark as possible
* Hold BreastScan under one of your breasts and look down
* Keep your BreastScan pressed tightly against your skin
* Use a mirror so you can see more
* Check all areas – including under arms and high on the chest What you will see with breast care equipment? You will see veins and other blood vessels as dark lines in your breast. These are totally normal. Around the nipple you may see a circle of small dots – these are part of your mammary glands. These are also totally normal.

Great for home or Clinics

Are you worried about a lump or other symptom you think might be breast cancer? Check it it has a blood supply

The manufacturer suggests that the BreastScan is not a substitute for a professional Medical screening, the device could be a potentially lifesaving device, as it could be used as a monitoring and early warning gadget at home. Women are advised to use their hands to feel their breasts for lumps in the shower, but with this light they can actually see what is going on and see changes through time. In the case she finds something wrong or unusual, they can go to the doctor for an expert opinion. Better to be safe than sorry.

The Ultimate Self Exam Tool

Red Light Breast Tumor Self Screening Device ,Male Female Breast Care Detector Home or Clinic Use

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BreastScan Plus the Thermal Imaging Camera Combo package



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