Enhance your Memory

Memory - What is it?
Webster's defines memory as "The mental capacity or faculty of retaining or recalling facts, events, impressions or previous experiences." Scientists still do not understand how memory works witnessed by the numerous confusing categories and terms, they usually divide it into three types -immediate, recent and remote- based on time.
The most common cause of memory loss is stress and anxiety. The second most common cause is depression. The third most common cause is medical issues. Only the 10th or 11th on the list would be Alzheimer's disease. Ninety percent of older adults who complain about memory loss do not have Alzheimer's disease. Most of them have depression, stress, anxiety, fatigue, and lack of sufficient amount of sleep or medical issues. Dr. Fotuhi

Children and young adults are often proud of their memories while as adults we generally complain about ours. Achievement in school and the work place is largely dependent on the ability to memorize facts and social success is tied to the ability to remember names and faces. When we reach our forties things change. Did you ever find yourself looking in the closet but not knowing what you are looking for only to remember what it was when you got back to the kitchen? This is a normal consequence of aging and usually only effects short-term memory.

The Tenuous Past: Memory and the Ways it Fails

" I remember it like it was yesterday!" you say. But how well do you really remember it? How well do you remember yesterday? Here's a quick quiz: What time did you have lunch yesterday? What exactly did you eat? What did you say? What did the people around you say? If you read the paper yesterday, name all the stories you read and summarize them briefly.

Don't remember yesterday as well as you thought? Don't worry, nobody does. Our memories are often thought of as recording devices, mechanically noting what has happened during the day and replaying these events like a tape. In truth, memory is a function of the brain, which is constantly in flux, organic, and does not behave like a machine. Your memory can be affected in many ways by many things, which can cause you to forget, to change memories around, to repress memories, and even to invent completely new ones!

This is of no small importance, because our only evidence that the past occurred comes from our memories. In what ways, then, can memory fail us?

Did you know there are a bunch of things you’re probably doing to make your memory worse?

Dr. Daniel Schacter of Harvard University lists "7 Sins of Memory," ways in which our memories fail us. His list features :
Transience, absentmindedness, blocking, suggestibility, bias, persistence, and misattribution (5). Most of these sins are things we experience in everyday life. When something you read last week isn't as clear now as it seemed then, that's transience. When you forget where you put your book or forget that you have to be somewhere, that's absentmindedness. Blocking is the "temporary inaccessibility of stored information," such as a person's name or a word. Suggestibility and misattribution go together, since memories can incorporate misinformation and also BE misinformation. Suggestibility is the "incorporation of misinformation into memory due to leading questions, deception and other causes," and misinformation consists of 'remembering' something that did not occur. Persistence is slightly more abnormal, and the inability to get a thought out of your head that it characterizes is common in post traumatic stress disorder.
Dana Bakalar

The important thing to consider about the impact of memory loss on your life is the distinction between natural lapses in recall and true symptoms of dementia. Dementia is an umbrella term used to describe various degradations of brain function, and it bears repeating that it is not a normal part of ageing.

Glenn Rees is the chief executive of Alzheimer’s Australia.

“There’s a difference between losing your car keys and forgetting you’ve got a car,” he said

Memory loss probably affects the majority of us in one way or another. More often than not, it is a momentary memory lapse; nothing to worry about – it happens to the best of us. However, when memory lapses begin to become a regular occurrence, it is wise to dig a little deeper and seek .

Changing one's diet to include more nutritious and balanced foods can also help with diet related problems such as problems with sleeping. Lack of sleep in itself can cause memory lapses and cognitive deterioration. A healthier diet which helps with sleeping problems may therefore have a knock-on effect and also help to improve poor memory.

Short term memory loss is initially the most common complaint associated with mercury toxicity

Temporary forgetfulness is a known symptom of hypoglycemia.

A damaged liver cannot remove toxins from the blood, causing them to accumulate in the blood and eventually the brain. Once there, toxins can dull mental functioning and cause personality changes, coma, or even death. Signs of toxin buildup in the brain include neglect of personal appearance, unresponsiveness, forgetfulness, trouble concentrating, or changes in sleep habits

Memory can be affected by a number of factors, some more sinister than others: it may simply be lack of sleep; fatigue due to over-work, lack of exercise, or poor diet; or stress-related. These are all issue about which we can do something constructive to help us. However, memory problems can also be the result of deeper-rooted issues such as brain disease, tumours, or the onset of a brain cell deteriorating disease such as Alzheimer’s. Sufferers that have any doubts at all should always seek medical advice with regards to continued memory loss.

Causes of Memory Loss

1. Alcoholism
2. Trauma
3. Aging
4. Stress
5. Dementia
6. Psychological disturbances
7. Drug abuse
8. Medications
9. Malnutrition
10. Vitamin deficiencies
11. Sleep disorders
12. Prolonged exposure to toxins
13. Infections
14. Chronic medical conditions.

Short-term memory provides a small storage space for daily tasks and lists, and is more likely to be affected with age. Forgetfulness is not a symptom of a serious problem, unless it becomes debilitating or accompanied by other symptoms of mental instability such as confusion or behavioral changes.

There have been several anecdotal accounts that cranial electrical stimulation (CES) enhances attention and the ability to learn new tasks in a normal population, but only one published investigation confirms that CES improves attention using the Alpha Stim CES (Madden and Kirsch, 1987). The purpose of this study was to corroborate the findings of Madden and Kirsch, using more precise measures of attention, such as a Continuous Performance Test (CPT). A pretest and posttest CPT was given to two groups using the LISS CES device. The control group consisted of twenty-one subjects who received the placebo treatment. The experimental group of thirty-one subjects received twenty minutes of CES. Four measures of the CPT show significant gains in attention: Number of Hits,p=.010 Hit RT ISI Change,p=.016, Risk Taking,p=.055; and Attentiveness,p=.054. Based on subjects who demonstrated improvement by one standard deviation on two different measures of the CPT, thirty-one percent of the experimental group improved versus four percent of the control group. The use of CES as a method of increasing attention is a promising are that requires further investigation. Source

Memory is also affected by lack of sleep or by stress and anxiety. Conversely, if the mind is dull from depression or boredom, short-term memory becomes rusty from lack of use. Long-term memory tends to remain stable with age. Childhood memories remain in the mind better than adult memories.

Memory can be affected by a number of factors and there are many possible causes of patches of memory being lost, some more sinister than others. A high fever, an attack of epilepsy, severe alcohol intoxication or surgery can erase memory. A stroke can cause sudden memory loss (accompanied by other neurological symptoms, such as dizziness, visual changes, buckling knees or slurred speech.) A passing loss of short-term memory, or ischemic attack, lasts only a few minutes and can precede a stroke.

Memory problems can also be the result of deeper-rooted issues such as brain disease, tumors, or the onset of a disease such as Alzheimer’s that causes brain cell deterioration. Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia are sources of memory loss in older persons and are associated with the gradual erosion of the personality. Sufferers who have any doubts at all should always seek medical advice with regards to continued memory loss.

"Beth was given anesthesia when she gave birth to her first baby and later found that she had lost part of her memory. She was forced to give up her job in an aerospace plant. Years later a friend gave her a small cranial electro-stimulation (CES) device and she began using it.

‘Almost overnight,’ she said, ‘all my memories started coming back, including everyone’s telephone extensions at the plant. It was uncanny – all those old extension numbers of people I hadn’t thought of in years.’

"This story, told to me by researcher Bob Beck, Ph.D., provides graphic evidence of a key fact: We have electrically-powered brains. Each of the billions of neurons in our brains is a tiny electrical generator, as complex as a small computer, firing an electrical signal that triggers the release of various neurochemicals and links it with thousands of other neurons."
Mega Brain Power, Michael Hutchinson, 1994

Many substances affect memory, including prescription drugs, such as sleeping pills and antidepressants, and chronic alcohol abuse. Nutritional deficiencies should also be evaluated, especially in older people who do not always eat well. Problems with memory are often associated with physical fatigue that causes inattention. Some women experience memory loss in conjunction with menopause as a result of hormonal imbalances. Usually short-term memory loss is a side-effect of too much stress and an overload of information. There are many illnesses related to fatigue and poor attention span, including anemia, underactive thyroid and hyperactivity.

"Double-blind studies were done at the University of Wisconsin on the Brain Tuners’s capabilities to overcome drug-withdrawal symptoms and it did the job. Studies at both Wisconsin and the University of Louisiana showed it could boost IQ from twenty to thirty points. Brain Tuners stimulation appears to enhance neural efficiency," researchers stated.
'Users report the Brain Tuners reduces stress, improves short and long term memory, helps learning, increases energy, improves concentration and reduces pain, anxiety, depression, and sleep requirements."

Research Papers

High Blood Pressure
When you are under the age of 45 years and you often forget, you should check your blood pressure. University of Alabama study found people with high blood pressure is more likely to experience impaired memory and thinking than those with normal blood pressure.

82% of participants in one study suffering from an anxiety disorder reported a significant improvement in their symptoms after treatment with CES.
- Kirsch D, Gilula MF, Electromedicine: CES in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders, Practical Pain Management, March 2007, pp 40-47

When entering a certain age, women often feel more forgetful. University of California study confirms that the reduced levels of estrogen at menopause have an influence on memory. However, memory impairment is not permanent.

“The cells in your body constantly draw energy from the brain and the Earth's electromagnetic field in an effort to achieve what is called "magnetic resonance." Magnetic resonance occurs when the magnetic frequency in your brain matches a harmonic of the frequencies of the other organs and body tissues. This normally occurs for only brief periods during sleep. During these periods, your body's ability to heal and repair itself, create enzymes, and boost immunity is enhanced”.
- Dr. David Williams, Alternatives,

One of the list of unpleasant side effects of chemotherapy is memory loss. Half of breast cancer patients following chemotherapy sessions admitted that it is difficult to remember during treatment. It is estimated, chemotherapy affects healthy brain cells, and reduces its function. Stanford University study found that patients who have undergone breast cancer treatment, have less activity in brain areas responsible for memory.

Specific electronic frequencies appear to stimulate the brain to manufacture and rebalance certain brain neurotransmitter chemicals, such as endorphins, SEROTONIN, DOPAMINE, NOREPINEPHRINE, and CORTISOL etc. - that may be involved in many stress related conditions. This can affect ones moods and emotions as well as ones cognitive capabilities.
Shealy et al, “Cerebrospinal fluid and plasma neurochemicals:response to CES”, J. of Neurological and Orthopedic Medicine and Surgery,

Asthma Drugs and Arthritis
Corticosteroids are medicines commonly used to reduce asthma and arthritis. Long-term use in high doses, for six months or more, can cause memory problems, said Stephen Bazire, professor of the University of East Anglia. Corticosteroids can kill brain cells, and brain areas particularly the hippocampus shrinks. “Changing steroids might reduce the risk of memory loss.” Bazire said.

CES substantially reduces muscle tension - as shown by EMG recordings. There are reports of changes in heart, blood pressure, galvanic skin responses and increased peripheral temperature, consistent with positive autonomic effects, which maintain homeostasis in the body
Heffernan M., “The effect of a single cranial electrotherapy stimulation on multiple stress measures”, The Townsends Letter for Doctors and Patients,

Drug Free Arthritis protocol Rife Lakhovsky

This mental condition is associated with lower levels of brain chemicals like serotonin and norepinephrine that has the function to convey the message. Thus, depression is also effect on memory. “Treatment of depression, which involve talk therapy or not, and successfully, it can also help alleviate the problem of memory,” said Dr. Gross
Drug Free Depression protocol

"CES seems to stimulate the vagus nerve - producing a state of parasympathetic nervous system dominance, a system which has a general calming effect on the body. This is certainly consistent with the effects observed with CES"
What is CES?
CES stimulates the brain with specific frequency patterns, which have been successfully used to resolve depression, insomnia, stress, poor memory and drug addictions – a safe, effective alternative to drugs, CES is an FDA-approved treatment for both situational and chronic anxiety, depression and insomnia. Over 100 human and 20 animal studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of CES in treating these and other disorders, including substance abuse and pain
Lichtbroun, Raicer & Smith, 2001; Kirsch & Smith, 2000; Thuile & Kirsch, 2000

? CES leaves the user in what psychologists call an alpha state – increased alpha-wave activity in the brain may also be achieved through such as meditation, relaxation, chanting, and hypnotherapy. After CES, people report that their bodies feel lighter, while their thinking is clearer and more creative.

? CES is NOT "Shock therapy", it is the application to the head area (using a frequency generator, such as the "Brain Tuner" of a very weak pulsed electrical current for medical and/or psychological purposes - The electrical current used in CES is typically less than 1 mA (11,000 times less than the current needed to power a light bulb). The electromagnetic fields produced by the current used in CES are very similar to the electrical fields naturally present in the body.

? No negative effects or major contraindications - have been found from the use of CES to date, either in the U.S. or other parts of the world.

? CES has been an international treatment modality for more than 50 years - CES for treatment of anxiety began in the Soviet Union during the 1950's, its primary focus being the treatment of sleep disorders, hence its initial designation as "Electrosleep."

? CES is presently an under-utilized therapy - because we have been conditioned to believe that for every symptom or disease there is a solution in a pill. When it comes to treating anxiety, depression and insomnia, conventional medicine focuses on chemically manipulating neurotransmitter activity in the brain. However, the brain and body are also electrical in nature. Electro-medicine (including CES) is designed primarily to impact the electrical nature of the body.

Memory Alzheimer's Dementia Stress

Overall, then, our memories, which we depend on to report the past and to form our personalities, are in fact extremely mutable. They can be affected and changed by things we think, things we see, diseases we get, and they can be fabricated out of suggestion or imagination. Since these flawed memories are all we have, we must form a world view based on the premise that they are more or less accurate interpretation of the past; this premise is usually useful and necessary, but can sometimes cause problems. How much should we trust eyewitness reports of crimes, for example? Or the reports of a repressed abuse memory?
Who are we really if our memories of our selves and our interactions with others are so changeable?

That is a very good question. Dementia means memory loss plus deficit in one or more area of cognition, such as getting lost, confusion of time, or inability to do the usual hobbies a person may have. There are many causes for dementia, such as high blood pressure causing vascular dementia. The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer's disease. So Alzheimer's is one of several different types of dementia. Dr. Fotuhi

How Memory Works
Doctors think memory works in three steps, first is registration, sensory memory comes into play here, we perceive our surroundings and make our observations ready for storage. Retention is the second component followed by recall. If sensory memory is considered important it is rehearsed, repeated, mulled over, and kept in STM for a time. Generally, we can only juggle about seven facts at a time in STM. When new facts enter, they displace the old, which are either lost or, if they have been rehearsed enough, saved in LTM.

Dr. Hyla Cass explains that melatonin might help to prevent loss of memory associated with Alzheimer's disease because it helps maintain a healthy circadian rhythm. Lack of sleep or irregular sleep can weaken the memory and increase feelings of poor concentration and confusion. Since melatonin levels gradually decrease as we age, supplementation might reduce the risk of memory loss. More studies are needed, but according to Eldr, melatonin also might help to regulate a sufferer's sleep cycle.

Preliminary research has suggested that melatonin may improve memory in certain stressful situations

A recent neurochemical study indicates that beta-endorphin, serotonin and melatonin increase in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid after a 20-minute CES cranial stimulation treatment. (J Neurol OrthopMed Surg (1998) 18:94-97)

A bizarre case was noted of a pineal gland tumor sending a very young boy into puberty. This was the first identification of a sex connection that melatonin would keep one’s sex life going as one grew older. We believe we can stimulate melatonin with the CES ( Cranial Electrical Stimu-lation) device when placed near the pin-eal gland (see Braverman, pp 49).

Does Memory have to Fail?
The good news is - we do become more intelligent and wise as we age. Wisdom is demonstrated by our increased ability to make associations or links between past experiences and new. This function becomes easier as we accumulate more experiences with time. Does our memory fail or does it just slow and require more maintenance? This is controversial subject in medicine. Remember that all of the statements made concerning memory loss are based on studies that measure averages of groups of people not individuals. We all know of an 80+ year old who is as sharp witty and intelligent as ever. The brain shrinks as we age, some of the shrinkage is due to cells dying, but cell death is less of a factor then previously thought. Cell death begins as early as 40 but measurable intellectual slowing does not begin until age 60 and does not accelerate until age 80. Other cells take over the dying cell function and cell death alone does not significantly effect memory. The neuro transmitter acetylcholine decreases over time and may contribute to age associated memory impairment.

Brain May Grow New Cells Daily

Salk Institute Study Finds Brains Can Grow New Cells
Brain nutrient can help maximize memory.
by Ronald M. Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D.
According to a recently completed animal study conducted by the Salk Institute, it turns out that regular exercise helps an "old brain" build new brain cells (Van Praag 2002). Just as importantly, researchers have found that the daily use of powerful brain nutrients can support the brain by boosting membrane function (Kidd 1998). It's all good news for aging brains.

The Salk Institute study, published in the science journal Nature, found that in mice, new brain cells were generated in the hippocampus, the area of the brain responsible for learning and memory. After only four months, these new brain cells were found to mature into functional neurons (Van Praag 2002).

The researchers don't know what these new brain cells actually do, but they hope to someday replicate the effects in other areas of the brain. Imagine the implications for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's or for diseases such as stroke that destroy brain cells (Newswise 2002).
Nutrient to Assist Thinking and Memory

For the present, there is encouraging news about maintaining brain health, especially through the use of the naturally occurring compound phosphatidylserine (PS). PS is a key building block for brain cells. Specifically, it helps maintain the integrity and the fluidity of brain cell membranes, which are a kind of sheath that has many functions. Cell membranes protect the cells while simultaneously letting nutrients in and waste products out, and their flexibility is crucial for enhancing swift communication between neurons (Kidd 1998).


For years, neurobiologists clung to a fundamental truth: as animals and people reach adulthood, they lose brain cells and they never grow new ones. There were a couple of exceptions such as birds and rats, but the thought was that these were peculiarities of nature and not evidence of a general principle.
Now, in experiments that experts call amazing, that dogma has been overturned because scientists have found that monkeys are constantly making new brain cells in the hippocampus, an area of the brain used for forming long-term memories.Moreover, they report, the production of new cells is squelched when the animals are under extreme stress.

General Benefits

-  Ability to Focus

-  Lucid Dreaming

-  Deep Relaxation

-  Centering and Calmness

-  Better Sexual Performance

-  Deeper, more Restful Sleep

-  Reduced Nervous Energy

-  Enhanced Creativity

-  Improved Attention Span and Concentration

-  Increased Mental and Physical Energy

-  Reduced Negative Behavior Patterns

-  Short Term Memory Improvement

Experts say they fully expect that humans are no different and that they, too, make new brain cells in adult life. That raises the glimmer of a possibility of eventually treating degenerative disorders like Alzheimer's or Parkinsons disease and injuries such as those resulting from stroke or trauma — by prompting the brain to grow replacement cells.

Do you agree with the "use it or lose it" philosophy for preventing memory loss, such as playing chess, reading, and doing puzzles?

Dr. Fotuhi: "The answer is absolutely yes. Use it or lose it really applies to your brain as much as it applies to your muscles. Several studies in the past two or three years have confirmed this notion. People who do more crossword puzzles, play chess, or enjoy activities that require thinking, are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. "

It also means that neurobiologists must rethink basic notions of the way the brain changes with learning or life experiences.

Dr. Elizabeth Gould of Princeton University, Dr. Bruce S. McEwen of Rockefeller University in Ncw York and their colleagues investigated using marmoset monkeys, adding two tracer chemicals to the animals' brains: one that labeled cells that were dividing — the process that gives rise to new cells and one that labeled mature nerve cells. Cells that were born during adult life and that grew into mature brain cells would be marked by both chemicals.

With this method, the researchers looked for, and found, new cells in the animals' hippocampuses.

Dr. Gould estimated that thousands of such cells were being made each day. She said she suspected other cells were dying to make room for new ones, but her study did not count numbers of dying cells.

CES normalizes the body’s electrical fields that are disturbed with injury or pain - This has been measured on EEG (brain wave tracing). For example, people with moderate to severe pain from osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) are found to have ABNORMAL brain wave activity. After 5 minutes of CES treatment, brain waves were virtually normal, and pain was reduced by more than 50%. It has been found that individuals whose brain waves improved the most had the greatest pain relief.
Heffernan M, “The Effects of variable microcurrents on EEG spectrum ans pain control”, Canadian J. of Clin. Medicine,

The hippocampus was particularly intriguing for another reason, Dr. Gould said. Earlier research had shown that when people are under stress, the hippocampus shrinks in size. For example, people with tumors that pour out the stress hormone cortisol have a diminished hippocampus. So do people with recurrent depression and people with posttraumatic stress disorder, Dr. Gould said.

It might be possible, she reasoned, that monkeys under stress might decrease their production of new brain cells in the hippocampus, making that area of the brain shrink.

To test the hypothesis, Dr. Gould and her colleagues stressed monkeys by putting a male monkey who had always lived alone into a small cage where another male was living. The intruder was terrified and cowered in the cage, with a rapidly beating heart. When Dr. Gould and her colleagues examined the brains of the frightened monkeys, they found that after just one hour of this stress, the monkeys were making substantially fewer new I brain cells.

The study is being published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

As so often happens in science, the seeds for the new view of brain regeneration were sown decades ago, but were largely ignored.

In the 1960s, Dr. Joseph Altman, a Purdue University scientist who is now retired, reported that rats make new brain cells throughout their lives. The cells were in the hippocampus and in the olfactory bulb, an area used to sense smells, he noted. "No one paid attention,"Dr. Gould said.

Twenty years later, Dr. Fernando Nottebohm, who is head of the laboratory of animal behavior at Rockefeller University, asked whether brain cells were being born in adult birds. Bird brains, he noticed, grow and shrink with the seasons, swelling when the animals need to learn new songs to attract mates and shrinking after they had bred. He wondered whether the swelling brains during breeding seasons could represent the actual growth of new brain cells. At the time, Dr. Nottebohm said, he knew nothing of Dr. Altman's work.

W ith CES(as in the BTPro) Sleep patterns should begin to normalize within the first day or two, with less and shorter periods of awakening during the night, faster onset of sleep after going to bed, and a greater feeling of being rested upon awakening the following morning. Depression and mood swings become less, as does irrational anger, irritability, and poor impulse control. By the second week, cognitive processing is visibly enhanced. Mental confusion due to stress begins to subside as the ability to focus and concentrate on work becomes easier and more efficient. The ability to recall information and accelerate learning also begins to return to normal pre-stress levels as concentration and memory improve. Source

In a series of painstaking experiments, Dr. Nottebohm showed that birds constantly make new brain cells and that the new cells replace old ones that die. "There was a program of constant brain rejuvenation,"Dr. Nottebohm said.

In 1984, Dr. Nottebohm organized a meeting in New York that he called Hope for a New Neurology A colleague at Rockefeller, Dr. Arturo Alvarez-Buylla recalled that Dr. Nottebohm "was pushing the idea that in the adult brain, there is no impediment to the formation of new neurons." But, Dr. Alvarez-Buylla added, "people thought that was bordering on fantasy."Nonetheless, some researchers persisted, showing in rats and mice and in tree shrews that new brain cells are born throughout life, at least in the hippocampus and olfactory bulb.

Those suffering from severe anxiety and extremes of compulsive or addictive behavior may find it necessary to use it more frequently, perhaps several times daily. When symptoms of depression or anxiety have lessened or disappeared, it is still important to have access to the unit as a tool for relapse prevention on an as-needed basis. It is helpful to work in close conjunction with your physician/healthcare professional.

Dr. Alvarez-Buylla, for example, recently found that adult mice make 5,000 to 10,000 new brain cells each hour. The brain cells that end up in the olfactory bulb are born on the walls of the ventricles, cavities in the brain that are called with cerebrospinal fluid. They travel in "little trains of cells" to their destination, he said. Those that end up in the hippocampus are born there. But many scientists believed that monkeys and humans could not be growing new brain cells -- that in order to store memories for a lifetime, you need a stable brain.

Dr. Gould said. "If cells are constantly dying and new ones being produced, how would that be possible?" Dr. Gould, however, was persuaded by the findings on other species. ''Why not monkeys?" she asked. Others also began seeking and finding brain regeneration in monkeys, but Dr. Gould is the first to publish her findings.

Do we lose brain cells as we get older? Scientists know that most of us lose brain mass as we get older. CT scans of older adults often show some degree of cerebral atrophy - brain shrinkage. There is also research that suggests that we lose connections between brain cells as we age. My father is beginning to have difficulty remembering names. They usually come to him eventually, but they do not seem to be as easily retrieved as in the past. The name is still stored, it's just not easily accessed.

How often have you asked yourself the question:
" Why can't I remember everything I read?"

The problem with poor memory is not confined to reading. It is more generalized in that we also have difficulty remembering: names of people dates and times telephone numbers codes, passwords events and occasions business facts and figures jokes
etc, etc.

It is not ONLY remembering what you have now read, but remembering what you read yesterday, last week, a month ago, a year ago, and so on.

The problem is not because you are running out of brain storage space. Even when we reach old age, we still have plenty of unused brain capacity available.

The problem is not TIME. Information simply cannot "leak" out of our ears over time. Why can we remember vivid details of childhood yet the details of last week's newspaper are vague? We remember perfect details of scenes that only happened once, yet information drummed into the brain just simply will not "stick".

So, what Perhaps is the cause of the memory problem?

Every computer's hard drive is organized. The aim of loading information onto the hard drive is not to leave it there, untouched and inaccessible, but to use it. Much thought was put into how the information will be filed away so that when it is needed it can be accessed quickly and easily. Your computer has a filing system to access all information placed in any possible location.

The majority of psychological studies involving tDCS focus on the expansion of knowledge about a certain region of the brain or a certain psychological phenomenon. For example, much work is done on the ability and specifics of working memory.[12] Many of these studies stimulate a particular region of the brain and then observe the effects of the stimulation in some type of cognitive task.

Recently, there have been studies that show that transcranial direct current stimulation aids in the working memory of cognitive tasks[13] . More so, the United States Air Force has shown interest in this area of research as Andy McKinley[14] has showed that tDCS can aid in training and teaching cutting down time needed to train pilots. As accuracy was sustained in trials lasting up to 40 minutes compared to the norm of 20 minutes

Would you like

Ability to Focus
Deep Relaxation
Centering and Calmness
Reduced Nervous Energy
Deeper, more Restful Sleep
Better Sexual Performance
Improved Mental Abilities
Short Term Memory Improvement
Increased Mental and Physical Energy
Reduced Negative Behavior Patterns
Improved Attention Span and Concentration

Note: the possible range of benefits listed above are based upon years of experience working with CES. Because there are currently no published research studies involving the BTsystems individual results will vary and must be considered personal and subjective. Typically, individuals will report a range of improvements - from very substantial - to very little.

21st Century Medicine & Learning
This response submitted by Ronald B. Keys, JD, PhD .

Slow learners and, or, those with impaired nervous system development may have their brains and nervous system jumpstarted. Little did we know back in the 1950s when the movie, Forbidden Planet, with Leslie Nielson, Ann Francis and Walter Pidgeon, that the Krell technology to stimulate brain growth, with a form of cranial electrical stimulation, might be in use in the 21st century.

Beth was given anesthesia when she gave birth to her first baby and later found that she had lost part of her memory. She was forced to give up her job in an aerospace plant. Years later a friend gave her a small cranial electrostimulation (CES) device and she began using it. 'Almost overnight,' she said, 'all my memories started coming back, including everyone’s telephone extensions at the plant. It was uncanny—all these old extension numbers of people I hadn’t thought of in years.' This story, told to me by researcher Bob Beck, Ph.D., provides graphic evidence of a key fact: We have electric–powered brains. Each of the billions of neurons in our brains is a tiny electrical generator, as complex as a small computer, firing an electrical signal that triggers the release of various neurochemicals and links it with thousands of other neurons.

Cranial electrical stimulation (CES) may improve memory, attention and focus; important studies are emerging on the uses of mild electrical current to enhance cognition and aspects of intelligence.

THE BT Plus The most advanced CES unit ever produced

While inducing replenishment of general deficiency states through direct oral supplementation, particularly necessary substrates may be electroporated into brain and nervous tissue via electroporation through cranial electrical nerve stimulation, via an electrical current. This is the equivalent, by analogy, to putting the plug of a toaster into an electric socket in order to toast the bread.

Now fortunately they had spent a great deal of money in absolutely and totally documenting the effects of this little device. They found that it reversed Korscoff psychosis (short term memory loss) in three to five days with chronic alcoholics. This work was done at the University of Wisconsin Medical School, the Louisiana Medical College and at the University of Texas. Now any of you who’ve dealt with alcoholism know that it normally takes eight years for the short-term memory to be restored—eight years of total abstinence. The short-term memory profile of an alcoholic absolutely pinpoints the amount of degeneration. One of the tests is the maze test, where you have to go through a maze without lifting the pencil from the paper. The other is the beta section of the test where you have to look at words on one page, then the page is taken away and you have to remember it on subsequent pages. An alcoholic will usually show a profile of almost total inability to pass these two facets.

In all of their subjects, I don’t like to say all, it’s rather spooky, 99% of them—they were able … where they had a baseline of tests … for example, where the person had been to college, had taken this same or a similar test and had become an alcoholic for 15 years … where they had access to the original records, the short-term memory was totally restored in five days of using this little box 40 minutes a day. Now this is wild and wonderful. All of this emerged during some of the research. I spent quite a bit of time in the bio-Ed library of UCLA, some time at the Marris library, USC County.

For those of you that still think this is voodoo medicine, do a google search for electroporation, electropharmacology and cell biomembrane transport. Also do a PUB MED search for Saul Liss, PhD, to pull up actual abstracts.

Temporal cortex direct current stimulation enhances performance on a visual recognition memory task in Alzheimer disease

Transcranial direct current stimulation improves recognition memory in Alzheimer disease

The brain is a highly pliant, flexible organ that has greater capacity than we ever imagined.....

CES is a simple treatment employing an electronic stimulation through clip-on electrodes that attach to the earlobes. Current flow is user controlled so that the most a user need experience during the process is a tingling sensation. Its most immediate impact is reduction of anxiety. For most people, anxiety reduction is experienced in the course of treatment, After a CES session you are left feeling both alert and relaxed . Psychologists call this an "alpha state". The effect differs from pharmaceutical treatments in that people report feeling that their bodies are lighter and more relaxed and their mind more alert and clear. The results are cumulative and often lasting.

A Little Wisdom Raising your vibration is the only effective way to live the life you truly want to live. While you are radiating a low vibration or frequency your life will never really be in harmony and you will constantly live with an inner feeling of discontent and.,.>>>More Here

In the Book" In thePalaces of Memory" they suggest 5hz as being the optimum learning frequency.
Even as you read these words, a tiny portion of your brain is physically changing. New connections are being sprouted -- a circuit that will create a stab of recognition if you encounter the words again... Read: In the Palaces of Memory

Using the BTPro-system requires no special effort, training or discipline. Most individuals describe the experience as being one of focused deep relaxation, even when high emotional tension has been present. Following the normal 2 to 3 week application routine, many individuals experience significant positive changes in their lives and in their relationships with others. Many users experience a more positive, energetic outlook, better mental clarity and feelings of improved self-esteem. The many daily challenges of life seem easier to handle and negative reaction to environmental stress and tension are diminished. Many individuals have reported that previous negative habits and behavior patterns gradually diminish with time.

A 386% increase in attention span test results after just 20 minutes of a single CES treatment in healthy volunteers - Southworth S, A Study of the Effects of Cranial Electrical Stimulation on Attention and Concentration, Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science, 1999, Vol 34:1, 43-53.

CES has Few recorded Side Effects

Headache, skin irritation or vertigo, occurred in less than 1% of subjects and were temporary

In contrast, side effects and addiction of medicines are not uncommon - Anti-anxiety drugs often leave the patient in a stupor. With 50 years of use, hundreds of research experiments, and hundreds of thousands of users, CES has been demonstrated to be 100% safe.

You don't have to be "forgetfull" or "losing it" to realize the benefits of CES - Using CES in stressful situations, perhaps for as little as 10 minutes, can help curb anxiety and serve as a reminder that one needs to be oneself in a different way.

CES quiets the mind.

CES is especially helpful in preparing for examinations or as an accelerated learning tool - such as when memorizing blocks of material.

For the athlete readying for competition - it helps create a state of relaxed awareness helping them prepare for maximum performance.

Many use CES to assist in creative work

The Ultimate Pocket CES system

BT Pro

Built in frequencies

Built in frequencies

Delta Brain Waves
0.5 Hz Anxiety release
1.5 Hz Deep sleep
2.0 Hz Healing Of Nerves

Theta Brain Waves
Deep Theta 5.0 Hz Release Brain fog, retain recall release information faster
7.83 Hz Meditation

Alpha Brain Waves
10 Hz Cell Rejuvenation

More Healing Frequencies

15 Hz Lymph System Circulation
20 Hz Breast lumps
35 Hz Stimulate Clarity of Thought, Mental Function
100.00 Hz Feeling Down
500Hz Chronic depression
1434 Hz White Blood Cell stimulation
1524 Hz Red Blood Cell Stimulation

Plus the Full BT6-BT11 Beck Protocol
1000.00 Hz + 111.00 Hz
Over 700 Harmonic frequencies
Bonus GSR Biofedback system


LED control panel

Fully Rechargeable Batteries+Charger

Timer : 5, 60, mins

Intensity Control

Very portable

High Quality Ear clips

More information

RRP $NZ799.95

Now you can use delayed payments click here


Product Comparisons
Unit + Link
Ear Clips
Ear Clips
Ear Clips
Manual Timer
Intensity control
Rechargeable Batteries
10.0 Hz
20.0 Hz
Transend Broadcast Option
Mind Wave
15 Hz
500 Hz
15,000 Hz

Van Dyke, Halpern, Busby, 'Space Biomagnetics' Space Life Sciences (1968).
Basset, Pawluch, NY Acad of Science (1974); Gross, Lawrence, FEd Proc (1961); Kolin, Brill, Broberg, Biol & Med (1959); Degen, Vracdelo (1971); Freeman, Magnetism in Medicine - Journal of Appl Physics (1960).

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